Monday, July 11, 2011

Operation: Fun Fun Fun FUN!

Operation: Stage Presence obviously was not enough. My presence still sucks... just not as badly. So, here are some more videos to (hopefully) help my presence, and maybe even yours if this applies to you.

I love the violins at 3:02, but my favorite part is 3:08 when afterwards, everybody kicks in and it gets loud again! Check out my lyric post "For Those Who Wait". Doesn't this song "Set your heart on fire"? Doesn't "It set you free"?

This song doesn't help me completely (when it comes to movement), but it sure does set my heart on fire, and Dawn (lead vocalist) shows some amazing facial expression. Wendy (bassist with the amazing red/black hair) is always doing something when they show her. It doesn't matter that she headbangs. She's doing SOMETHING. And the guitar guys (one of which is named Glenn whom is married to Wendy) show that you need to LOOK UP!!! Don't stare at your guitar the whole time! And you can even learn from the young actress--- show expression. That's it.

Do you see Hayley's emotion at 3:01? Doesn't she look so much younger at 2:58?

Show emotion. But this video is mainly for you guitar players. See how Josh, Jeremy, and the other guy are jumping around like there's no tomorrow? Simply just... have fun.

Christina, HEY! Katherine. Lisa! Amy. LAUREN! Dani.

I love the guitar at 2:59. I especially love Lisa's voice at 3:12 through to 3:15 when she's like, "Oh, oh, oh oh oh, oh oh".

This video shows that you should just have FUN! CIMORELLI has a song for that, too... check out their "Friday" cover I posted back in May. This has a lot to do with sound, too. They use a lot of autotune now, so their wonderful voices don't make me feel like nothing because I know they had extra help. See how they're in almost perfect harmony, though? Yeah.

Also, you see how much fun they're having? Katherine having a ball at 0:32. Lauren hugging herself at 0:39. Christina jamming to the beat at 0:44. Lisa waving her hands at 1:29. Dani dancing at 1:36. Katherine throwing her hands up at 1:44. They're all one big happy family, yes, but they're having SO MUCH FUN! If they're not having a good time, they're good at faking. I know I wouldn't like having to sing with my sisters (again).

Don't be afraid to look silly! It'll put the audience in a GREAT mood!


PS: Our church has some new worship interns that have been here for about a month now... I think they're awesome and I hope they stay here forever! I know forever is a long time, yes. Just thought I should say something. I know it was random and weird to bring up, but Taylor Swift says you should speak now, and John Mayer says you should say what you need to say. So that was what I needed to say.

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