Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fun Arts

Fun Arts was the reason I haven't blogged in forever and a day ago. It was fun. As you may know it was the same weekend as the youth's Fine Arts and I got to see Mark play his piano, Jacob preach, Abby and her band perform, and saw Naithan preach. I saw the human video; I honestly did not understand it, but it was cool. Almost all of them made it to Nationals in Detroit, Michigan! Just think about how fun next year will be, current sixth graders...

Today I also congratulated some friends from HOUSE, Ben, (Destiny) Spencer, (Destiny) Emily, (Newsong) and some other kid I think I might know from camp. You know, Spencer can be wild sometimes, but today he was very nice. I hugged all of the people I just mentioned, and talked about the stuff we did and who's going to nationals from their group and stuff.

Evan, Bailey, Olivia, Tyler, Drew, ( Kaitlyn, (PK) and Curtis, Lindsay, and (funny, I said, "Curtis, Lindsay." They are completely different people but Lindsey is his last name LoL!) I think that's all.

I plan on posting my singing video but DON'T count on it. I may forget or it may not work.

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