Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The Interstate Chapter 10

That very Monday night I thought about the day's pros and cons. My English teacher wanted everyone to keep a diary for seventy days, so I had to write down today's entry:

Monday, November 23, 2009, Day 12
Today I went to school as usual. I dissected a rabbit in science, also. For lunch today we had spaghetti. Who likes spaghetti? Seriously. After school I got on Facebook again. (I'm addicted) Posted a few pictures, the usual. I did some homework for science about the rabbit anatomy and History homework on the great depression. Right now i'm doing math homework, a sudoku puzzle. Later I have to fill in a French worksheet. This sudoku puzzle is so easy, who would give a freshman this? Well now I have to rest for the math test tomorrow.
-Johnathan Bosdow

I got up to turn off the light. When I entered the warm, cozy bed, I thought about the grades I might get tomorrow. They probably wouldn't be good.

I thought about the accident. Everyday I I wake up fearing the day's challenges.

I wake up knowing I could do better. I know better than to water down my faith when someone says they don't believe in God or that evolution is real.

I wake up thinking about the horrible loss that has just occurred. I really wish I could go back and change everything.

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