Friday, December 10, 2010

Come On Y'all... It's Christmas Time!

Are you happy??? I sure hope so! I'm happy! You'd think I'd be sick since I had four cups of soup today:) but I am happier than ever! Right now, I'm giving myself a facial and thinking about Christmas.... and the controversy. And, I'll be strong like Daniel... the soup had A LOT of veggies!

Okay, have you thought about it? (Thought about... what?) Thought about how many children have once believed in Santa Claus versus children who believe in Jesus? Let's see...

72% of children believe in Santa--- or at once believed in him. One quarter of children with parents who earn less than $25,000 a year did not believe in Santa.

92% of Americans believe in God... or say that they believe in God. But, only 71% really love God. Most of the 92% are not sure, and most probably didn't speak truth, considering some of them said they were atheists, yet they believe in God? Impossible. 8% said they were absolutely sure. Can't be possible if you're an atheist. Why even be an atheist?

So, can you believe it? 72% of children believe in Santa. 71% believe in God, including adults. I had expected for Santa to outdo Christ anyway, but I didn't think Santa would beat God by only 1%!

Christians: We were SO close! One percent! They beat us by only one percent! But, we've got a lot more work than that. First, our baby step is to get that small 1%. Next, we need to get the remaining 28%. Next, we need to enhance their salvation.... you know, give them a reason to believe!

What's frustrating is that more kids believe in a (if you believe in Santa, don't read any further.) character that barely exists, (Saint Nick was real, but he's dead.) than kids and their parents that believe in God. God is real, Santa isn't! Why would they choose Santa over God?

Santa gives one gift... and the parents pick up the rest of the tab! God is better than gift-giving, I mean, he gave us Jesus, didn't He? That's enough to believe right there.


  1. This is good!! It really gets you thinking :)
    I hope you all are having a great time preparing for Christmas. I love Christmas time. I'm just going to miss the snow... and you all again!! Love you all!!

  2. We miss you too, "starry amazement"! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Season's Greeting all in one!

    Forget happy holidays.... WITHOUT CHRIST THERE IS NO CHRISTMAS!

  3. you can link up any post hope! you should write about some of the memories you have from being a kid. you could post pictures of things like fun arts or camps or christmas programs... they are memories that you will forget as you grow older and memories that you kids will want to read one day! pick out a post and link it up!!!


All comments appreciated, keep them appropriate, however. Remember, this blog's audience is ages 12+, so be aware of who might be reading.