Sunday, January 13, 2013

What's Going On in the Blog World...

Nothing much has been going on in Hope's world. Just stupid Algebra and Physics quizzes. I hate high school so freaking much. I mean, some good has come out of it. Since the last time I've put any real information about myself, I have gotten in the top 3 to sing the U.S. National Anthem at a robotics meet (lost to a junior and possibly a sophomore). Better luck next year... or in two years... when that junior graduates I will have a better chance at checking that off my bucket list. And I got an A on a Physics paper that I stayed up 'til 3 a.m. writing. A high one, too: only one point off. Which, if I'd taken more time to cite my sources it would have been a 100%. A little mad. That could've made up for my 53% on the quiz. I don't know. Wouldn't have made a difference. And my English teacher gave me two As on major assignments. Hope's on a roll!

So, here's what's going on in my world, other than what's limited to my world...

The Blogspot Awards
Oh yes, it's that time of year again! Time to vote for the best in entertainment, beauty, etc. I don't have "Best Blog" as a category for the 2012-2013 third annual because apparently no one blogs anymore. So I will need to find some new blogs to read. I get so depressed when I see a blog that hasn't had a new post since 2009... sigh. But anyways--- I NEED YOUR VOTES!!!!! Seriously. What's the fun in hosting an awards thing when eventually you're gonna have to vote on it and be the only one? Uh guys, that's really kinda embarrassing. So, if ANYBODY'S reading, if ANYBODY hears my cry...

Please vote in some kind of category (I know I have greatly disrespected Mufasa and I am sorry).

Hakuna Matata!
I didn't say what movie this was from, but The Lion King came to mind, didn't it? Well, if you love Mufasa, Simba, Scar, Timon, Pumbaa, or Nala, you are probably going to like this series. There is one lesson we can learn from each of these characters (maybe even Rafiki), and two from Simba, about how to live and love life. Not only with text, but clips from the movie and music relating to it. If you are nearly as obsessed with this film (and soundtrack) as I am, you are gonna love this. Maybe more for the movie than for the writing. But if you want a preview of how it's gonna be, check out Simba!

Oh yeah, it's time for HEROES Week! You might know the drill unless you're new around here: Starting on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we have a week full of activism--- anti-terrorist, anti-violence, anti-abortion, anti-bullying, etc. This is a week devoted to our dying world and what we can do to preserve what little humanity is left. It's sad when you think about it: There's no turning back. This world has become what this world has become. It's highly likely that things will not change. But we can stand for what we know is right. As Christians, as humans--- however you define yourself, we are one. Something's gotta change.

More music, of course!
Haha, you thought you could get away from my insane music taste, didn't you? Here's some news for ya: You can't! I still have loads of crap to share with you--- LOADS. From oldie to indie from rock to pop from score to Johnny Cash, music will be EVERYWHERE. Some artists you can expect to find: Wesley Blaylock, Joseph Williams, Lebo M, Andrew Belle, Measure, Arcade Fire, Farewell Flight, The Fray, Jason Walker, Keane, Kiersten Holine, Straight No Chaser, Rachael Lampa, Fay Wolf, The Good Mad, Hans Zimmer, Kari Jobe, Landon Austin, Barcelona, He Is We, Lianne La Havas, North Central University One Accord, Five For Fighting, Julia Sheer, Mikky Ekko, Trent Dabbs, and so on. Music lovers, rejoice!

Well, I should probably go to bed early tonight if I wanna keep my straight As (already ruined, thanks to a beautiful 8 out of 20 on my Algebra quiz that I definitely would have passed if I hadn't doubted myself). Other than that I have straight As and would like to keep them. Good night, bloggies!

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